Happy New Year!
Man oh man, what a year 2024 was.
I feel like it came and went so fast and I wasted a lot of time that I planned to do things. But we live and learn, right? 2025 will be a better year. I would say ‘hopefully’, but I fully intend to make it a better year. I’m actually so annoyed with myself; for all the stuff I could have gotten done but didn’t; all of the plans I didn’t even get as far as making, let alone doing; and for failing to even have a good reason for why I didn’t do any of what I wanted to in 2024. Please tell me I’m not alone?
So here I am, once again, telling myself to get my shit together and get into a routine. Starting with reviews; I’ve got a few overdue (and some sickeningly overdue) reviews from 2024 that just never got completed for one reason or another. Sometimes it was due to a lack of time, sometimes due to struggling to get through the games because of work/life/etc., and other times I simply ended up with too many at once and one would slip through the net (only for me to remember it way too late). I am going to work on getting these out, as soon as I possibly can - especially since some of the reviews are already partially written! - so that I can then have a clean slate to work from.
Some of the reviews are ones I’d also planned videos alongside, and had been recording footage from my playthroughs to upload either as a longer video guide/walkthrough, or to cut down to use in a video review. Unfortunately, a lot of this footage recorded without sound, so rendered much of it useless. This seems to be a recurring issue with the AverMedia Live Game Portable 2 Plus, which is extremely frustrating, so if anyone has a fix for this, I’m all ears. As you can probably imagine, this happening left me feeling fairly deflated, stalling momentum that I was starting to build.
However, on a more positive note - we finally have a PS5!
This will finally allow me to add PlayStation reviews to the roster, which I’m very excited about - especially since I just completed Astro’s Playroom not too long ago, and have been loving Astro Bot!
Additionally, we have upgraded from a Quest 2 to a Quest 3, with the first post-Quest-3 VR review in the pipeline to go live verrrrryyyy soon.
I’ve changed job roles at work (my actual ‘real life job’) within the last few months to something that has had me a fair bit busier than usual, so all the plans I had for over the festive period kinda got waylaid as it was my first proper period of ‘rest and relaxation’ since the new role began; and I rested and relaxed a little more than I’d intended :)
But anyway, new beginnings and all that - here’s to making 2025 a belter!
- V x