Galaxy Champions TV


Galaxy Champions TV, developed by aQuadiun Games and published by Silesia Games, is a super fun top-down closed arena shooter inspired by the likes of classic arcade shooter, Smash TV. You’ve been thrust into the spotlight on a TV show known as “Galaxy Champions”, where competitors must face off in a to-the-death battle. There’s two game modes to choose from; Story Mode, the standard option; and Champions Mode, which is an endless mode that can certainly test your skills.

There’s a variety of weapons at your disposal, with your standard starting gun, and weapon drops from enemies including machine guns and flamethrowers. Picking up guns whenever you have the opportunity is useful, as despite your standard weapon having infinite ammo, the other weapons are often more powerful – albeit you’ll only have them for a limited time. You’ll also be able to pick up hearts to replenish health, as well as points for use in the in-game shop. In between fights, you can spend the points you’ve collected to gain various upgrades such as more health, more ammo for your weapons or a better dash, and all of these upgrades carry over after death – yay!

Visually, GCTV has a very retro, neon pixel-art style that just screams ‘Arcade’. Arenas are fairly simple, but varied enough to keep things fresh, and enemy designs are great, with inventive looks for huge swarms of enemies, and the chaos that emerges on screen. It easily becomes very bullet-hell-like when there’s a large number of enemies surrounding you, as dodging their blasts as well as avoiding bumping into them all can prove to be a challenge.

As a twin-stick shooter, it feels super smooth, and mowing down enemies feels very satisfying. You can dash out of the way of danger, and pulling off these last-minute saves also feels great. There are four planets for you to get through, with a total of 40 levels that will offer plenty of frenzied fun.

At the standard price of £6.29 on the Nintendo eShop, it’s a great price – and you can even add to the fun by playing in two-player local co-op with a friend. Sadly, there’s no online aspect, aside from a Global Leaderboard to track your stats against other players, which is something that could possibly have added even more replayability to an already fantastic title.


In the end, we decided to give Galaxy Champions TV the Collecting Asylum rating of 8/10.

Have you played Galaxy Champions TV yet? What did you think of it?
Let us know in the comments below!

- V x

Thank you to aQuadiun Games for the Galaxy Champions TV Switch review code!


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