Galaxy Champions TV [Xbox]

aQuadiun Games’ Galaxy Champions TV is a game we reviewed back in 2019 on the Switch, and we loved it - so this is mostly just an extended review from the previous one. A short and sweet arena-based top-down shooter inspired by the likes of Smash TV, it’s one that we always hoped would see a release on Xbox. With four planets to fight your way through, and four difficulty options ranging from Easy to Nightmare, as well as an endless Champions mode and local co-op mode available, Galaxy Champions TV is a lot of fun.

Since we played it back then, there have been a few changes. There are extra characters to play as, as well as the Contestant: there’s Chief, who looks like Master Chief; Kitty and Reaper. Publisher Silesia Games even made a little post on Twitter to say that the Xbox version is best, due to its exclusive content.

The visuals are gorgeous, with plenty of bright colours and intense action on screen, although it can easily become very overcrowded due to the small size of each arena. The soundtrack, by Bettina Calmon, is filled with punchy beats and really fits the chaotic vibe of the game perfectly. There’s tonnes of unlockable upgrades available, that you will be presented with a choice of a few in between each round, providing you’ve gained enough experience points to level up. These upgrades are not created equal, however, with some being very minor in the grand scheme of things, and others, such as the dash being an absolute necessity when things get hectic.

There’s an option within the menu to look over everything you’ve unlocked - along with all of the enemies you’ve found yourself up against. There’s a decent variety of enemies to blast, and the weapons at your disposal are a lot of fun to use - although you’ll definitely find your favourites quickly. You’ve got your standard weapon throughout the game, but will get the chance at random pickups that last for a short period of time, and these vary from flamethrowers which ignite vast swathes of the oncoming horde, to booming shotguns and grenade launchers that will decimate your enemies.

If you’re any good at bullet-hell type games, then Galaxy Champions TV won’t put up too much of a challenge on the standard difficulty, but provides just enough to keep things interesting. On the higher settings, this is where things really ramp up, which makes this - with its four difficulty options - ideal for a range of different skill levels. Easy sets you up with 100 lives, with this reducing drastically to just 3 lives on Normal, and 0 on Hard. I imagine Nightmare is the same as Hard, but with the difficulty cranked up further - however I’ve yet to unlock that as I simply cannot survive long enough on Hard!

Once again, we had a lot of fun with Galaxy Champions TV, just like we did when we played it the first time around on Switch - especially due to the ability to gain Achievements on Xbox, as well as the other additional content exclusive to the platform. And at £5.79 on the Xbox Store, it’s a fantastic price point for if you’re looking for something new, but don’t want something too harsh on your budget.

In the end, we decided to give Galaxy Champions TV the Collecting Asylum rating of 8/10.

Have you played Galaxy Champions TV yet? What did you think of it?
Let us know in the comments below!

- V x

Thank you to aQuadiun for the Galaxy Champions TV Xbox review code!


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