Glam’s Incredible Run: Escape from Dukha [Xbox]

Developed by Three Legged Egg, Glam’s Incredible Run: Escape from Dukha is a fun, challenging platformer where you play as Glam, a woman whose mother has been captured by the evil witch in the realm of Caterina, and she must make her way there to save her - we think… you see, there’s not really any story given via the gameplay itself, nor are there any cutscenes to explain - this information was gained specifically from the Xbox Store listing…

There are over 220 levels spanning 11 chapters for you to play through, each with their own hazards and dangers to contend with; along with 60 multiplayer-exclusive levels to be played in local co-op, that require a good bit of communication and teamwork, as the puzzles will often require each of you to do certain things in order to aid the other. Controls are tight, and successfully making it through a level feels rewarding - though can often be frustrating as you try to time certain jumps whilst figuring out what to do next.

Level designs are fantastic, both in terms of the environments (which include mountains and gemstone caves), as well as the platforming elements used - which have areas that consist of blocks on pulleys and entire sections that shift around, as well as requiring you to jump, swing and climb your way around the levels. Glam is very funky and adorable, with a sort-of shaved in sides, flowing Mohawk hairstyle; large, statement hoop earrings; and a cute crop top/skirt/boots combo; all of which can be customised from the Pause Menu. There are a few different enemy designs, from little goblins that laugh at you when you die, to skulls that burst out fireballs at the most inconvenient times. The soundtrack is decent too, with a variety of really great tracks ranging from rocky tunes to relaxing vibes.

On your travels, you’ll come across collectible cassette tapes in some of the levels, and these require a good bit of precision to reach - which left us struggling on more than one occasion, opting to leave them and come back later. Sadly, if you’ve missed any of the tapes within a chapter, you’ll need to play through the entire chapter again to retrieve it, as there doesn’t seem to be any way to replay specific levels within the solo chapters, despite the co-op levels being independently chosen.

Priced at £4.19 on the Xbox Store, it’s a cheap and cheerful title that will provide you hours upon hours of content - both for solo play and with a friend. It’s surprisingly challenging too, so is a perfect title if you’re looking to give your brain a workout! Whilst we do wish that the game went at least a little bit into the story, it’s still an enjoyable time as is.

In the end, we decided to give Glam’s Incredible Run: Escape from Dukha the Collecting Asylum rating of 7.5/10.

Are you interested in Glam’s Incredible Run? What do you think of it?
Let us know in the comments below!

- V x

Thank you to Red Art Games for the Glam’s Incredible Run: Escape from Dukha Xbox review code!


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