Godlike Burger [Xbox]

Developed by Liquid Pug, Godlike Burger is a restaurant management sim where you not only serve your patrons, your patrons are being served. After a rather lengthy tutorial teaching you the ins and outs of running your very own restaurant, you’ll get to work. Cook burgers on the stove, make sure you get customers’ orders right so you’ll earn some decent tips, and take your chances to kill customers if you’re running low on meat. It’s a very methodical process, and one that takes a fair bit of getting used to. Customers will rate your restaurant, which will make more customers visit - but their ratings only stick if you let them live. So you’ll need to be careful about how frequently you kill, as well as making sure you don’t get caught red-handed, since getting the police involved is the last thing you want.

In between levels you’ll return to the basement where you can boot up your PC to stock up on fresh produce, ranging from different buns and toppings, as well as various sauce recipes. There are also different upgrades available to buy here, such as Kitchen upgrades like an extra stove to increase the number of burgers you can cook at once, or a deep freezer to carry over some meat for further runs; as well as Chef upgrades that will improve your character, giving them increased damage, temporary invisibility, etc. You can even purchase information on different customer races - and this may come in handy later on.

The benefit to having a mobile spaceship-restaurant is that you can travel around, touching down on new planets with a whole slew of new customers to slice and dice. It also has the added bonus of allowing you to go to places where your police attention is lower - though you can always bribe them to get them off your back. Having a diverse range of traps around your restaurant helps to keep your police attention down too, since you’ll be able to wipe out customers in a more hands-off way, saving you from the risk of taking damage, as well as getting all bloody.

The cartoony visuals of Godlike Burger are great, and there are ‘Comix’ to be unlocked, which are short story segments shown in the form of comic book strips that you can then look over via the main menu. With a decent assortment of character types, giving plenty of personality to each planet - with each race having their favourite foods, things they are immune to, etc. all of which further deepen things. There’s a decent selection of music to listen to, with tracks being able to be switched between via the radio in your kitchen and these are mostly catchy and keeps things from feeling too repetitive.

The death mechanic leads to some frustration, as you’ll be bumped back to the beginning of the current day, with a loss to your inventory - so storing money in your vault, and making sure to have items such as the Deep Freezer that will prevent some of your meat from being lost, is mega important, as it helps you to pick right back up after a death. Keeping an eye on your stamina will help to avoid unnecessary deaths when attacking customers, as you can only swing your cleaver when this has replenished - but upgrades are available to make the job a little easier.

Overall, Godlike Burger is a lot of fun - especially once you get to grips with everything and start to be able to do things at a decent pace, though being able to slow down time in order to deal with any immediate hazards such as almost-burnt burgers, or thieving aliens, is a godsend as it can get a little overwhelming at times. If Godlike Burger sounds like something you’d like to get your teeth into, you can find it for £17.99 on Xbox.

In the end, we decided to give Godlike Burger the Collecting Asylum rating of 8/10.

Are you interested in Godlike Burger? What do you think of it?
Let us know in the comments below!

- V x

Thank you to RenaissancePR for the Godlike Burger Xbox review code!


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