Hotshot Racing


Hotshot Racing, from developers Sumo Digital and Lucky Mountain Games is a fast-paced, enjoyable arcade racer with a simple low-poly art-style that really makes everything look wonderful. It feels like a much smoother rendition of many of the games we played when we were younger: Virtua Racing, SEGA Rally, Ridge Racer, all of which were fantastically fun games, but this just takes that up a notch.

With eight drivers to choose from, you’ll have a variety of different vehicles at your disposal as each driver has a garage containing four different vehicles. These are all in reference to various real-life sports cars and with plenty of customisation available, you’ll be able to get your vehicle tweaked and suited to your preference!


As mentioned, the low-poly art-style is something that is done tremendously well here. I feel like we’re seeing more and more games try to pull off this very retro, 90s era vibe with their art-styles, but many times there’s something missing. Something that just doesn’t quite allow all of the boxes to be ticked. Hotshot Racing somehow pulls it off and more, with truly gorgeous settings and really entertaining tracks to speed your way through. Even in the GIF below, you can see the stunning orange sunset - with hot air balloons In the sky and even just the beachfront feel from the palm trees and ocean by your side as you drift round corners. It really does feel special.

Sound design is a bit of a mixed bag, with a fantastic soundtrack that perfectly complements each track, but over-the-top character voices who talk just a bit too much detracts away from this. It definitely increases the retro factor, but this is one aspect I feel that they should have toned down ever so slightly.


Hotshot Racing is a much simpler racing game than many of the more realistic games in the genre, but it definitely still has a bit of challenge to it. Knowing exactly when to hit the brakes to get a good drift round a corner can make or break you, and pulling this off successfully is just soooo satisfying. I don’t have a driving license, and I have never so much as taken one lesson, but when you pull off a drift in Hotshot Racing, it is how I imagine a racing driver feels going round a turn well, haha. Controls are tight and responsive, and the handling of vehicles feels really well tuned. One of the worst things with racing games is when a car feels too sluggish, or too floaty - and I’m happy to say that Hotshot Racing falls right in the sweet spot.

There’s tonnes of replayability on offer here too, with money earned from winning allowing you to purchases new car parts and decorations. Various challenges are also available to you, with unlockable skins and parts being made available upon completion. There are also some amazingly fun modes included, such as Cops & Robbers, which just adds a totally new layer of fun to the mix. With local multiplayer and couch co-op available for up to 4 players to get the whole family involved, as well as online multiplayer of up to 8 players, there’s plenty to keep you interested.


In the end, we decided to give Hotshot Racing the Collecting Asylum rating of 7/10.

Have you played Hotshot Racing yet? What did you think of it?
Let us know in the comments below!

- V x

Thank you to RenaissancePR for the Hotshot Racing Xbox One review code!


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