Let’s Sing 2022 [Xbox]

Developed by Voxler, Let’s Sing 2022 is a party-karaoke game that has you belting your heart out to a variety of tunes in order to unlock new characters, skins and more. Starting with a base-set of 30 songs that range from Amy Winehouse to Zoe Wees, there’s a variety of music genres to sing along to. Sadly, it does feel a tad barebones - as the 30 songs don’t take long to get through, and if you don’t fit the cookie-cutter target-demographic mould of someone who is up to date with all the latest hits, you just might find that you don’t know very many of the tracks at all. You can choose to sing into a microphone if you have one, but if not - there’s a straightforward app available for smartphones that you can pair up with the game as a stand-in microphone - saving you the hassle of having to purchase any extra peripherals.

There are a bunch of add-on packs that you can purchase to gain access to additional tracks at £3.99 per pack, or £44.99 for the Song Pass that will unlock all of the DLC content available. This is pretty disappointing as without these extra packs you’re missing out on a lot of songs, including classics such as Dexy’s Midnight Runners’ “Come On Eileen” and Lily Allen’s “The Fear” (ones that I for one, would have loved to have included in the main pack).

The layout of the menus are quite straightforward, if a bit bland - with different options to play through such as “Classic:, which is as it sounds; a classic mode where you - and friends, if you choose - will sing along to the available tracks. “Legend” mode, is a challenge style mode where you’ll face off against NPCs to see who can become the bigger Legend; however it’s pretty much the same as the Classic mode, just stylised more as a sort of solo campaign, in a way. You’ve also got the Mix Tape mode, which generates dynamic track listings; Jukebox, where you can just listen along to the available tracks; and more.

The layout of the wording across the bars can sometimes be a little off-putting, particularly for any vocalisations - and especially so if it’s a song you aren’t 100% familiar with - you’ll easily trip up over some lyrics as well as when to start (or extend) a word. Thankfully, it’s not a case of it figuring out whether you’ve got things correct or not, just whether you’re in the ball-park notes-wise, so you could technically just say “lalala” across entire tracks, going higher and lower when required, to still achieve a decent score - mind you, that just wouldn’t be any fun.

I quite fancy myself as a singer; I sang non-stop growing up, getting family members to rate my performances during long drives, and enjoyed being in choir at school. I even plucked up the courage to sing on stage during a talent show, as well as on stage in Primary School to sing Uptown Girl with my pants over my trousers for Comic Relief (a memory I have partially blocked from my mind). But my voice is out of practise, and so this is the first karaoke/singing game I’ve played in quite some time - and even with my wobbly warbles, it’s a lot of fun (once you get past the initial embarrassment of singing into your phone).

Overall, Let’s Sing 2022 is a fun time, but more so if you’ve got friends over for a party. It’s still enjoyable as a single-player experience, but it definitely feels quite expensive for the fairly small number of base tracks you get, so you don’t get a whole lot to sing along to unless you splash out some more cash. But if karaoke is your jam, then this might be one you want to pick up - especially if you go for the extra tracks - and if you can get it on sale. Priced at £34.99 on Xbox for the base game (although currently on sale at £29.74 for a limited time), or £74.99 (reduced to £59.99 for a limited time) for the Platinum Pack, which includes the Song Pass built-in - this is much better value, especially at the reduced price - so if this is one you’re interested in, I’d recommend you jump on it before the sale ends!

In the end, we decided to give Let’s Sing 2022 the Collecting Asylum rating of 7/10.

Are you interested in Let’s Sing 2022? What do you think of it?
Let us know in the comments below!

- V x

Thank you to Koch Media for the Let’s Sing 2022 Xbox review code!


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