Loot Hero DX [Xbox]


From developer VaragtP, Loot Hero DX has you take on the epic quest of saving the village from the legendary Dragon that’s currently wreaking havoc, and the legions of evil creatures that are plaguing the land. All you need to do to get through each level is simply hold the left-stick to the right, and you’ll spear your way through. Some enemies take more hits to kill, so you’ll ricochet slightly for additional hits with those, and the enemies increase in difficulty as you progress.

You’d think just running through enemies without much of a care in the world would be boring, but Loot Hero DX is surprisingly addictive - in a similar vein to tap games such as My Name is Mayo - where you just want to keep going faster and faster, unlocking all of the upgrades you can. There is a limit to this of course, and after an hour or so you’re better off just giving up as you’ll no doubt have gained all of the achievements.


Visually, it’s a mixed bag. There’s things I like; such as the great use of layering in the backgrounds, making everything have tangible depth as you whizz past; but there’s also things I don’t, such as how the pixel graphics are slightly muddy to look at. The character designs are well varied and look to be really great designs, with enemy types changing throughout the levels; but they’re not very well defined, and this is worsened the faster you go. Now, I don’t want you to get the wrong end of the stick here - I totally understand that this is an indie game that costs less than a fiver; it doesn’t hamper my enjoyment of the game all that much, after all - you’re just mindlessly running through the enemies anyway. But it could do with a little cleaning up. The soundtrack is pretty decent, with different tracks as you plod on through your quest.

Each time you complete the game, which culminates with you slaying the Dragon, you’ll rescue a miner who will collect gold for you even whilst you aren’t playing. This makes it so much easier to get all of the upgrades for each stat: Attack, Critical, Defence and Speed. You’ll also unlock higher difficulty ratings for each level, every time you complete a run, but you’re best to just continue playing through each level one at a time rather than skipping ahead as it took me by surprise just how much stronger the enemies were with just a few difficulty levels of difference.


For £4.99, available on the Xbox Store, you’re getting a very straightforward, simple game that takes no more than 30 minutes to an hour to get all of the Achievements. There are other in-game achievements for successfully killing higher numbers of enemies and completing the game so many times round, to give you more reason to come back after that initial hour. If you’re an Achievement hunter then this is probably a pretty good choice, as it doesn’t take much to nab that 1000G, but if you’re looking for a game with a bit of story and depth, then this might not be where you find it. Overall, I had a fun but slightly meaningless time with Loot Hero DX so would mainly recommend it to those of you looking to boost your gamer score.


In the end, we decided to give Loot Hero DX the Collecting Asylum rating of 6/10.

Have you played Loot Hero DX yet? What did you think of it?
Let us know in the comments below!

- V x

Thank you to VaragtP for the Loot Hero DX Xbox review code!


PHOGS! [Xbox]


Aground [Xbox]