Speed Limit [Xbox]


Developed by Gamechuck and published by Chorus Worldwide, Speed Limit is a fast-paced game filled with arcade-style fun in a fluid, ever-changing style. You play as a seemingly innocent guy riding a train, when a dude with a gun stumbles and collapses at your feet, with you ending up in possession of his gun in the process. From every possible angle, you are now being hunted. And you seem like you’re made for it.

Due to how fast the gameplay is, you’ll find that death almost becomes like a new best friend. As quickly as you die and respawn, you’ll no doubt die a thousand times more. But it’s this speed that makes Speed Limit so fiendishly addictive. That little voice in the back of your head telling you just one more try and how this time you’ll do it. Whether it’s the running, driving or flying segments - each is equally infuriating and exhilarating, as you make it past the last bit you died at a dozen times before.


I absolutely adore the art direction in Speed Limit; the cinematic shots with great use of depth of field, and differing play-styles between levels that blend seamlessly from one to the next. It all makes the game seem far more like a movie, filled with action, scene after scene. Character designs are simple, with faceless appearances - and enemies have a variety of looks from SWAT gear to trench coats.

Within the pause menu, there’s some surprisingly enjoyable elevator music. It’s very easy to pick up Speed Limit for a quick shot when I’m on a break (living that WFH life), and pausing to go back to work is actually oddly soothing with the repetitive tune. You even get an achievement for listening to it for ten minutes. It also juxtaposes well with the frenetic action-arcade styled beats within the levels themselves, as the tracks here are far more energy-filled to have you feeling badass whilst you mow down enemies in and on a train, weave through traffic, or take to the skies.


It definitely takes a bit of getting used to, controls wise. The gameplay is very fast, and whilst it can be easy to spot a pattern to follow, timing it is the real challenge. Without fail, every time I finally felt comfortable with how a level played, it would seamlessly transition to the next, leaving me scrabbling for a second. Thankfully, there are checkpoints between each segment, so a quick death or two after these transitions were never too damaging. For the driving section in the car shown above, I felt that it was a little too easy to drift to your untimely death, as the controls can feel quite loose and floaty at times.

At just £7.99 on the Xbox Store, it’s a reasonably well priced game. There’s an achievement for completing a run on Normal Mode in under 30 minutes, but believe me - it’ll give you well over that in gameplay due to the number of attempts you’ll need to make to improve your skill. Similar to old arcade games of the 90s, where a game was made longer via its difficulty, Speed Limit has ten relatively short levels that still offer plenty of entertainment and hilarity due to just how quickly they can stop you in your tracks. We both highly enjoyed our time here, and would recommend this to others looking for a fast, fun, arcade experience.


In the end, we decided to give Speed Limit the Collecting Asylum rating of 8/10.

Have you played Speed Limit yet? What did you think of it?
Let us know in the comments below!

- V x

Thank you to Chorus Worldwide for the Speed Limit Xbox review code!


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