Super Sunny Island [Xbox]

Developed by lightUP, Super Sunny Island is a simple platformer where you play as a cute little penguin named Sunny. There are five island worlds for you to work through, each with twenty levels that you must complete before you can then take on the Boss of the area. You have to go around the islands watering plants, collecting fruit and defeating enemies in order to rid the world of the Flying Pirates. Each level has three keys spread out across them for you to collect, in order to open the chest at the end of the level, which will net you a bunch of fruit as well as that level’s Special Coin.

You can pick up water droplets as you move through the levels, to refill your water gun, since this is how you’ll attack enemies as well as water the flowers placed around the world. As well as the droplets, there are water jugs that will completely refill your water - and this is handy, especially for in the Boss levels. There are little bottles marked with a “P” that will replenish your ‘health’ giving you items to wear that denote your health, with a hat, glasses, etc. vanishing the more hits you take. Taking a final hit when little Sunny is just a bare naked penguin will cause you to fail a level, sending you back to the start.

After defeating each of the Bosses (who all attack in different ways, though don’t seem to be too difficult) you’ll gain upgrades such as a charged shot, a double jump, and more, with these changing things up as you go, adding more challenge across the later levels. New enemies are introduced through each world, and other hazards too, such as explosive barrels (both TNT and Nitro), and alternating moving platforms that you’ll need to time your jumps for.

The pixel art is adorable, with brightly coloured worlds and surprisingly cute enemies that blast towards the screen when defeated. Some levels have the sun shining, whereas others will have stormy weather with pouring rain and flashes of lightning. The soundtrack is pleasant, with a relaxed tune playing in the hub world, and various fun chiptune tracks through each of the worlds that add a little more energy to things.

Overall, Super Sunny Island is a short but sweet title that offers a good bit of enjoyment. There’s not a whole lot to say about it, in all honesty - but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. It’s a cute little game that’s ideal for fans of platformers, but with the simple gameplay mechanics, it’s an ideal pick up for kids too. And the end credits are done in a quirky, fun way so it’s well worth playing all the way through! So if you want to check it out, you can get it on Xbox for £4.99.

In the end, we decided to give Super Sunny Island the Collecting Asylum rating of 7/10.

Are you interested in Super Sunny Island? What do you think of it?
Let us know in the comments below!

- V x

Thank you to Ratalaika Games for the Super Sunny Island Xbox review code!


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