Tip Top: Don’t Fall! [Xbox]

Developed by Tristan Dahl & Studio Huckepack, Tip Top: Don’t Fall! is an arcade-style rock-climbing sim, where you play as Margo, an avid climber who’ll take on various mountains across the globe in order to reach the tip top. There are six mountains for you to climb, each with two to three levels within, with increasing levels of difficulty, as well as challenges to face.

You have two stamina meters, one for each arm, as you try to grapple your way to the top: run out, and you’ll fall to your death. Thankfully, the game’s options allow for you to switch off the permadeath, but if you’d rather keep the risk in place - you can always take a test run first in practice mode, without the worry that you’ll reset your progress if you fall. Keeping an eye on your stamina is important, as whilst you can replenish it by re-chalking each of your hands, the overall amount available is gradually reducing - permanently - the longer you take. There are several bolts along each level, allowing you to clip securely in to prevent a death, though wasting time for these can sometimes lead to problems later on, such as running out of precious stamina before you reach the top.

Tip Top works great in both play styles: with the randomised, roguelite nature of the permadeath mode having a challenging allure, egging you on and keeping the danger in every move you make, knowing that at any moment it could be game over. And switching permadeath off for a relaxed experience and allowing you to have that safety net behind you, makes for a more pleasant time. Different challenges await as you progress onto new climbs - with rain making slippy handholds, ice causing some holds to crack and fall away, and pesky clouds blocking your view, forcing you into a do or die situation at times.

With a simple, yet striking visual style that works beautifully in cutscenes to capture the environments well, and within levels makes the various handholds - and the different ways that each type works - clear to see. The soundtrack is very relaxing, with a chilled out vibe that juxtaposes the heart-racing risk of climbing - though in a way, it also makes sense as you’d want calming tracks to soothe you as you go! There are a few bouncier tracks that perk you up, and though these are more energetic, it is still done in a joyful, encouraging way, rather than to incite any panic.

After completing the campaign, you’ll unlock a second character, Adam, described as a ‘loose cannon’ who you’ll be able to run through all the levels with again if you choose. He feels quicker, but definitely has a riskier side to him, as the stamina meters seem to drain at a faster rate than as Margo. You can complete it in around an hour or two, though will no doubt take longer if you’re going for permadeath - especially as the randomised levels mean you won’t be able to get used to the patterns. Priced at £8.39 on Xbox, Tip Top: Don’t Fall! is a fun, challenging game that won’t keep you hanging. It’s a simple adventure, so won’t necessarily rock your world - but will definitely do in a pinch!

In the end, we decided to give Tip Top: Don’t Fall! the Collecting Asylum rating of 7.5/10.

Are you interested in Tip Top: Don’t Fall? What do you think of it?
Let us know in the comments below!

- V x

Thank you to Sometimes You for the Tip Top: Don’t Fall! Xbox review code!


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